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Olya didn’t have to face her worries alone. 

April 24, 2024

We’ve known Olya since she was a student in Zhytomyr. She often came to our Day Center, and learned she could contact our staff any time for help or advice. 

Now she’s a mom. She lives too far away to come to our moms’ meetings. But she’s stayed in touch with our staff online and over the phone.

Olya has some health problems, and her doctors recently set up an appointment at a specialty hospital in Zhytomyr. She shared her worries with our staff: What if she couldn’t find the hospital? What if she didn’t know what to do? What if she heard bad news about her health? 

But she didn’t have to face her worries alone. 

Staff member Yulia is a former orphan herself, and a nurse. She met Olya, took her to the hospital, and spent the whole day with her. 

With Yulia’s help, Olya made it through a day of medical examinations and conversations. Then she joined us at the Shelter for a meal that our moms in residence had prepared. She went home with armloads of supplies for her baby.

For Olya, our staff member’s voice on the phone was a lifeline. It gave her the practical help she needed at the right time. Thank you for investing in healing relationships for our youth!

You can provide groceries and medical care for moms like Olya. Will you make a gift of $25 or $50 today?