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Building a Better Kitchen: Shelter renovation update

March 30, 2023

Last week, we shared about our youth and families cooking together. One photo stood out to us: Anya and Karina making lasagna. The photo looks normal… but they were actually cooking in a deconstructed kitchen! 

Karina cooking in a construction zone

Crisis housing is a critical part of serving orphaned youth who become parents. The Shelter provides a safe place for these families when they have nowhere else to go. 

Everybody loves the Shelter’s warm, welcoming kitchen. But it rapidly outgrew our community. The kitchen is now undergoing renovation and expansion, thanks to a grant from Genesis Church in Carmel, IN.

Our innovative Restoration Project crew relocated the various functions of the kitchen. The refrigerator and chopping/prep are in the hallway. While installing the floor, the crew removed the stove. At one point the dishwasher was in the bathroom! 

Despite the challenges of renovating a working kitchen, our crew is creating a beautiful space – big enough that everyone can cook and eat together.

Crisis housing is just one kind of support available to orphaned moms. Parenting training, groceries, and other resources enable them to make a better life for their kids.

Thank you for helping us build this safe, supportive community!