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Bread Factory Tour with Abram

February 27, 2018

Staff member Abram shared this story with us. He recently took a group of teen orphanage graduates to a bread factory. That may not sound like an exciting field trip, but our youth were very interested!

Ukraine is still recovering from decades of Soviet occupation and Communist governance. Our teens may have been born after 1991 (when the Soviet Union collapsed) but they’re still affected by “everything done for you” institutional life. So we need to work with our community to teach them how things are accomplished. We love our youth and want to see them succeed and be independent, which will bring hope and healing in their own lives, their children’s, and in generations to come!

Introduction to the bread factory tour

Abram’s story:

In December we were invited to visit a bread-making factory in Berdychiv. It seemed like a good idea to show our youth this process, starting with ingredients like flour and finishing with the end product: a loaf of hot, flavorful bread.


Not all young people know how to bread is made, or other food products. When they live in an orphanage, and have meals in a canteen, they only see meals where food is prepared, cut, and served in individual portions.

A taste-test

Our kids were delighted to visit the factory, since the excursion was very fun and they learned many interesting facts about the processes of making different bread products.

Watch several Ukrainian employees making bread products at top speed!

Definitely this trip was also helpful for learning about different professions. Our youth saw how some people work, how they love their job, and how they’re helpful to others.

Watching carefully

Before we left, our teens had a nice time eating fresh bread, and got some tasty gifts to bring home!

Abram with the tour group. These kids are loved, and they know it!